Wednesday 7 January 2015

Winter slow down....

Pull up a chair!!!! This one may be long.

 Christmas is over... And now its cold, the ground is hard and icy and we still don't have any snow! Our Christmas was fantastic, but busy, between work, juggling the kids since they had 2 weeks off school and all my riding clients, it was a non-stop couple of weeks around here! My house was a disaster... LOL... I am sure many parents of young children can relate.

The best story was our Christmas Eve. We had a lovely dinner with my family and came home to bed. My children and dog all took turns waking up at various points in the night. Around 4:30am my son woke up and was screaming (as if being tortured) that he couldn't see. I finally clued in that the power had gone out in our wind storn. We bright and early at 6am Christmas morning my children woke up and wanted to open their presents from Santa... Which was done by the light of my iphone flashlight... needless to say we don't have any photos from present opening time this year.

2015 is going to be a big year. On top of my horse training business, I accepted a position within the hospital I work at in a new Locked Behavioural Unit for Elderly people. This is a fantastic opportunity, I will be working only 2 twelve hour shifts each week, which will provide me with the extra time for my Training business, but give me a good consistent income. I am a firm believer in have a fall back plan, and given the horse economy in Canada, a "real" job is usually part and parcel with any horse job... Unless you are already wealthy or marry wealthy ;)

I also keep having horses added into my March re-start for Training, I am very excited about 2015! I also have a horse coming in for training and to compete with for the season. So I will have the opportunity to compete with him and also Buddy!!! Currently given the cold temperatures and bad footing we are having, most of my clients horses get a few weeks off at this time and we start back up once the worst of the cold and ice is gone.

Thats it for now!

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