Wednesday 29 October 2014

What a good horse!!!

I started off the week extremely lucky! I could not be happier with my little Buddy! I decided to get my boyfriend, Shannon, to help me with my first ride. He is not experienced, but he likes horses and usually is ok with helping me. He did fantastic helping me! 

I leaned over Buddy for a minute and then got right on. He wasn't worried in the least. Shannon was able to lead him around and we got some cute pics. Since then i've ridden him twice by myself and today I got him to trot a bit in each direction! Also considering he is only 15h right now, he doesn't feel all that small. It was a concern I did have before. 

It is so amazing what you can achieve once the horse trusts you. He came from such an unknown place of training and handling that it was impossible to know how he would react. On top of the trailering debacle we had to contend with. 

I am very excited to continue his training and start competing next year! 

Tuesday 14 October 2014

Worst. Blogger. Ever....

Yep... Thats me! I don't think I have posted in a number of months. Summer was WAY too busy!

Some bad points, our dog got hit by a car. It was a very traumatic experience! The good, we went on a family vacation, I have got some really great rides this summer! Some off-track horses, love them! So willing and fun. Some warmblood types and some gaited horses. Its been fantastic.

Fast-forward to the end of summer. I decided to move my little rescue project back home to the family farm. I just was not getting the time to work with him at the fancier boarding stable... and well my bank book just doesn't work to pay for something not being used!

The move back- well thats a story in itself! The shipper I used to bring him home from the auction had told me he was fantastic to load and got right on.... riiiiigggght. Our loading experience was definately not fantastic. However, we made it! And the quest for properly trailer-training Buddy has officially begun!

We've also had some fun with free-jumping. I have some really poor shut-setting up skills... however he doesn't seem to mind! In fact, he seems to love jumping. Which is good, because at 15h he is quite small. I have told him to dream of Teddy O'Connor and Forrest Nymph. He certainly will need to channel his inner pony power :) The honestly of this little guy has been amazing! He has jumped whatever has been thrown in front of him, a bounce, flower boxes, barrels!

Check it out here!

And in case anyone is interested in his pedigree: